Games Database

Click on the links below to access the database for the Section/Type of game you are looking for.

Beavers ( All ) ( Team/Relay ) ( Indiv )

Cubs ( All ) ( Team/Relay ) ( Indiv ) |

Scouts ( All ) ( Team/Relay ) ( Indiv )

Key to Index

B Beavers (aged 6 to 8) Players Suggested Number of Players (min. and max.)
C Cubs (aged 8 to 11) Time Time to play in minutes, including set up and tidy away time
S Scouts (aged 11 to 15+) Type Individual or Team Game
    Equipment None = None required; E = Little Equipment; EE = Needs planning; EEE = Major items needed
Location: Anywhere = Indoors or Outdoors; Indoors = Only Indoors; In/Out, Dry = Indoors or Outdoors when dry; Outdoors = Only Outdoors, any weather; Out, Dry = Only Outdoors, only when dry; Out, Night = Outdoors, at night