The third meeting is normally held 2 months prior to the date of
the Beaveree. This meeting is when each of the Colonies register
their attendees along with the registration fee. At the option
of the Registrar, Beaveree Advisor, and Beaveree Co-ordinators,
the registration of Colonies and additional boys can be kept open
until the date of the Beaveree. Holding open the registration
ensures that all Colonies and boys are given the opportunity to
attend the Beaveree.
Topics covered at this meeting are:
obtain a filled in Registration form and a cheque covering
the Registration fee from each Colony attending the Beaveree;
provide information on what activities are planned after
this meeting:
development of a Rotation Schedule
assigning Colonies to locations
preparation of the Registration Kit
obtaining the refreshements
preparing the site (stakes and location numbers)
handing out of Crests
developing procedures for re-imbursing colonies
for craft supply costs
handling of late registrations
procedures for on-site registration
Preparing for the Meeting:
remind each colony of the date, time, and place; and, what to
bring to the meeting (i.e.; Preliminary Information sheet on
activities, attendees, etc.);
setting up procedures for handling pre-event deposits;
reviewing procedures for late registrations;
it is recommended that the Beaveree Co-Ordinators meet prior
to the meeting to discuss logistics (i.e., preparing the
Registration Kits, determining Rotation Schedules, stuffing the
Crests in the Registration Kits, obtaining refreshments and how
to keep them cool during a hot day, how to notify each colony of
rain-outs, etc.)
Starting the Meeting
have all colony representatives sign in on a log; name,
colony representing (it's okay to have more than one person from
each colony attend), address, and phone number;
the Registrar and the Treasurer obtain the filled in
Registration form and accompanying cheque from each Colony; check
for the following information:
cheque made payable to (appropriate payee);
number of Beavers, Keeos, Leaders, and Adult Helpers;
Colony activity provided (Craft/Game/Song/Story/Other) and a
brief description of the activity;
amount of cheque correct;
indicate paid if full and date;
provide a receipt for the cheque.
provide a 'Request for re-imbursement of craft supply costs'
form if one is available; or, provide information on when and how
this form will be made available;