Holding a Successful Beaveree

How to get started and continue

1. After arriving on the site, bring your list of attendees to the Administration Area and obtain a 'HOME SITE,ROTATION' schedule.

2. Go to your 'HOME SITE' (listed on the left hand column of the schedule) and set up your tent/dining shelter and your activity.

3. When your boys arrive, get them ready for the Opening Ceremony.

4. After the Opening Ceremony, have your boys change out of uniform and ensure they are wearing their name tags.

5. Assign some of the leaders and parent helpers to remain at your 'HOME SITE' to do the activities with the boys who are coming to your site.

6. The other leaders and parent helpers to take your boys to their first activity site (the number is listed on the right hand side of the 'HOME SITE,ROTATION' schedule).

7. Start your first activity when the time is announced over the Public Address system.

8. Do the activity (about 20 minutes).

9. When announced, rotate to the next activity site (rotations are always clockwise).

10. Close to noon. you will rotate to your 'HOME SITE'; at this time, have your lunch, at hour 'HOME SITE' and then do your own colony activity with your boys.

11. After lunch and having done your own colony activity with your boys, you will be asked (over the Public Address system) to move to the next activity.

12. After the last activity of the day, move back to your 'HOME SITE'; the boys to change back into uniform for the Closing Ceremony.

13. After the Closing Ceremony, clean up your site, ensure all boys are accounted for, and have a safe trip home.