1. Assist in laying out the location for each Colony on the site
plan; ensure similar crafts and games are not side-by-side.
2. Obtain wooden stakes and cardboard 'location number' signs;
staple the signs on to the wooden stakes; bring along extra
stakes in case they are needed.
3. Arrive on the site by 7:30 and hammer the stakes into the
ground at appropriate intervals leaving room for the Colonies to
do their activities.
4. Provide a layout of the Colony locations to the Security staff
so they can direct the Colonies to their proper locations.
5. Obtain suitable shelter for the Administration area (shaded
area or some type of tarpaulin.
6. Provide signage to direct Colonies to the washrooms, fresh
water locations, 1st Aid station, and the Administration area.
7. After the Beaveree, ensure all stakes are removed and stored
for next year; ensure the site is clean and all Colony materials
have been removed.
8. Obtain on-site communications equipment such as a portable
Public Address system and provide instructions on its use.
9. Assist in the set-up and take-down of the Public Address