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you break into song every time you see fire
you take out a second mortgage to afford your troop
you automatically shake with your left hand
you raise your hand and make the scout sign to get attention in a crowd
you read the Scout Bulletin before the newspaper
you take all your vacations around camp dates
you go straight to the camping section when you go out shopping
you spend more on tin foil, charcoal and gas than your entire wardrobe
your favorite magazine is the Scout Catalogue
you have to send your camp blanket on a different plane because of the weight
your camp blanket weighs more than all the troop gear
you own more than 3 different kinds of compasses
your idea of a religious ceremony is either getting out, or putting away, your camp blanket
you go to a Jamboree, and you pack more crests for trading than you do clothes
you won't take 3 minutes to sew on a button, but you will take 3 days to sew on all your crests after a Jamboree
your collection of famous literature in your library consists of songbooks and craft books
you know every chili recipe
your idea of haute cousine is a bib, a campfire, and extra beans, onions and hot peppers in the chili
your troop proves to you that lunchables are a main staple
your troop proves to you that you can get more youth into a 9 x 9 tent, than into a 14 passenger van
your troop proves to you that Murphy doesn't lie
your bible is a book on B.P.
you visit bulk stores before grocery stores
you can survive an entire week of camping on 1 hour of sleep
you can't go past a group of youth without arranging them into a horseshoe
you learn that there are more than the 4 basic food groups
you like coffee that is thicker than road tar
you're engaged, and you wait to book your wedding date until after the camp dates are all set up
you have pictures of your troop, but not of your wife
your idea of a suit and tie is your camp blanket and beads
you enjoy winter camping in tents
you call every one "Scouter" instead of their name
you remember all Scouting special moments, but not your anniversary
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