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NOTE: Participation in one particular sport can only apply to one badge in this category.

Team Sport

Purpose: Demonstrate ability in any suitable or appropriate team sport that is approved by your Troop.


1) Be a member in good standing of a team for a full season.
2) Show by your participation in a team sport that you understand the rules, safety requirements, and sportsmanship connected with that sport.
3) Discuss how your own skill in the sport can be improved.

Individual Sport

Purpose: Demonstrate ability in an individual sport approved by your Troop.


1) Be active in a sport that relies primarily on your individual effort and skill.
2) Show that you understand the rules, safety precautions and sportsmanship connected with the sport.
3) Discuss how your own skill in the sport can be improved and create a self-improvement plan.

Winter Sport

Purpose: Demonstrate ability in any suitable or appropriate winter sport that is approved by your Troop.


1) Participate in your chosen sport for a full winter season.
2) Show by your participation in a winter sport that you understand the rules, safety requirements, and sportsmanship connected with that sport.
3) Discuss how your own skill in the sport can be improved.

Water Sport

Purpose: Demonstrate ability in a water sport approved by your Troop.


1) Be a regular participant in a water sport activity. For team water sport demonstrate participation for a full season.
2) Show by your participation that you understand the rules, safety precautions, and sportsmanship connected with the sport.
3) Discuss how your own skill in the sport can be improved.


Purpose: Demonstrate ability to swim.


1) Demonstrate your swimming ability in accordance to the Red Cross Aqua Quest level 11.


2) Complete all of the following:
a) Tread water in deep water, for a minimum of four (4) minutes.
b) Front crawl for 100 metres.
c) Back crawl for 100 metres
d) Elementary backstroke for 50 metres
e) Breaststroke for 50 metres
f) Sidestroke for 50 metres
g) Butterfly stroke, 3 x 10 metres
h) Endurance swim for 400 metres continuously, using any stroke or combination of strokes.

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