Cub Badge Changes
by Ross Francis
It's difficult keeping up with today's fast pace. Recognizing this, we've included new requirements for several Cub badges: Swimmer Badge, Watercraft Badge, International Trade Badge, and the Red Star. The August-September Leader featured changes for the Swimmer Badge and the Red Star, but Scouters may insert the complete requirements (below) in their Cub Books, and share them with the pack. The 1999 edition of The Cub Book includes all these changes.
International Trade Badge
Do any five of the following requirements:
1. Make a list of at least eight items around your home (e.g. groceries, clothes, electronics, etc.) that were grown or produced outside Canada. What countries did they come from? Locate these countries on a map, and find out how the items got to Canada.
2. Pick any five spices (e.g. cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, pepper, turmeric). Where did they come from? Find out their history and how they first arrived in other parts of the world.
3. Identify at least two different gem stones. Where did they come from? Find out how they have been traded through history.
4. Find a business in your area that exports or imports products to or from other countries. Find out where these products have come from, and/or where they are going. How were they transported?
5. Find out how airplanes carry both cargo and passengers at the same time. Explain why there are special rules for shipping dangerous goods on airplanes.
6. Identify four different types of cargo ships and what each has been specially designed to carry.
7. List six things that Canada produces or grows that other countries may want. In return, what things might these other countries trade with us because we don't produce or grow them?
8. Learn about the currencies of at least two other countries (e.g. Malaysian ringgits, Chinese yuan, Russian rubles) and compare their value to Canadian currency.
9. Many famous explorers went on their voyages looking for new trade routes and new lands. Learn the story of one explorer. Share with your six or leader what the explorer went looking for and what they discovered.
Watercraft Badge
1. Describe six different types of watercraft.
2. Correctly name and point out six different parts of a watercraft.
3. Explain and show the correct way to choose and wear a lifejacket or Personal Flotation Device (PFD).
4. Demonstrate how to safely enter, change places in and exit a boat, showing how to move calmly and keep your weight low and centred. Know how to behave in a boat.
5. Describe the signs of dangerous weather and water conditions for boating, and what to do when you see them.
6. Demonstrate the following:
a) Identify three examples of good throwing assists.
b) Be able to throw a throwing assist (without a line) to a person at least two metres away.
7. Demonstrate the following:
a) While wearing your PFD, curl up in a ball to form the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP) to stay warm in the water.
b) With a small group who are all wearing PFDs, huddle together to make the HUDDLE position to keep you and others warm in the water.
8. Know the importance of staying with your boat if you fall out or tip over.
9. With a buddy or adult, launch a boat and row, paddle or sail in a straight line for 50 metres; turn and come back.
Swimmer Badge
Hold the Canadian Red Cross AquaQuest Level 7 swimming award, or do the following:
1. Explain and show how to use the buddy system.
2. Show how to check a swimming area for possible dangers, such as deep water, rocks and slippery surfaces.
3. Complete all of the following:
a) Tread water in deep water (over your head) for a minimum of 1½ minutes.
b) Enter the water using the front dive (the stride position).
c) Front crawl 25 metres.
d) Back crawl 25 metres.
e) Endurance swim of 50 metres.
Red Star
Choose and do any five of the A Requirements and any two of the B Requirements. (No changes have been introduced to B Requirements. Please refer to The Cub Book for details.) Cubs can do these activities alone, in sixes, in the pack, with family or with friends.
A Requirements
1. Choose and do any five of the athletic activities illustrated in this chapter (front roll, back roll, etc.).
2. Develop and follow your own personal active living program, with at least 15 minutes per day of activity for a two-week period.
3. Describe some safety rules for water activities.
4. Lead a group in an active game, and explain why good sportsmanship is important.
5. Discuss how to protect your body from injury in different sports (e.g. using eye protectors, mouth guard, helmets or padding).
6. Show the proper way to sit, stand, walk and run. Learn how to take your pulse rate before and after exercise.
7. Plan balanced meals for home or camp.
8. Describe the dangers of the common cold, and explain three ways to prevent it from spreading.
9. Describe how to take care of your own clothing and belongings, and explain why such care is important.
10. Describe how to take care of your hair, ears, eyes, teeth, nose, nails and feet, and explain why. Explain the importance of washing your hands before handling food, before eating, and after using the washroom.
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