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We Are Only Leaders

We are not experts.

We're your next door neighbors.

We're not perfect, we are just parents like you.

We don't have anymore spare time or energy than you do, we all work full time and juggle our families and our schedules and try to keep it all together as best we can. The only difference between us is that we believe in what Boy Scouting has to offer. So much so, that we contribute our time, our miles, and our talents to help our sons and your sons grow in Scouting.

Please be patient if we appear distracted or frustrated or overwhelmed at times. Forgive us if we are not the kind of Boy Scout Leader you would be if you had the time. Instead, provide us with encouragement or offer your help. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We are, after all, only mentors...role models...leaders. Volunteers who have taken an oath to give these boys, your boys, the most precious gift we have to offer- the gift of time.

* author unknown

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are the opinions of the individuals who posted them
and are not the views of Scouts Canada.