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World Conservation Award

Purpose: To demonstrate a Scout's concern for the environment and awareness of the global need for conservation.


1. Complete at least two challenge badges in the Environmental category.
2. Choose a conservation issue of importance to Canada and the world and complete a project that includes some recognizable work in your community. Make a presentation, display or report describing your project and the global importance of the issue. You may complete the project as an individual or in a group. Example issues include global warming, acid rain, endangered species, etc.
3. Take a leading role in planning & conducting an activity of your choice which focuses on the concept: "Think Globally, Act Locally".

Year-Round Camper

Purpose: To encourage the Scout to get camping experience in the different seasons of the year. (i) Summer, ii) Winter, and iii) Spring or Fall.)


To qualify for the award:

1. You must spend at least two nights in each of the three camping periods in tents or other temporary shelter.
2. As a patrol, for each camp you must:
a) obtain written parental permission to camp
b) select the campsite and obtain permission to use it
c) arrange transportation. If you use a vehicle, you must travel the last kilometre on foot and carry in all your gear with your patrol members.
d) develop a menu and buy the food you need
e) prepare the patrol camping equipment suitable for the season
f) plan the program activities for the camp
3. Get the approval of your Troop Scouter or Patrol Counsellor for all of your actions related to the items in #2.
4. Evaluate each camp with your Troop Scouter or Patrol Counsellor within two weeks of the camp. Discuss with that leader both your preparations and the camp's outcomes.

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