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National Council Bylaw #2

From all indications, Bylaw #2 is a touchy, political subject.

Essentially, National Council (the Board of Governors) intends to further restructure the way that the whole organization works.

The aim is to remove alot of communication problems and bureaucracy, by eliminating Council Presidents, and having Commissioners doing both jobs.

Apparently, though, some Provincial Councils are not too receptive to the Bylaw. There are, apparently, some details that need to be 'ironed out', before voting members will be willing to accept it. One detail is that the CEO of the BOG would be able to both create and dissolve Councils, without the need of support from anyone else. Effectively, this could result in control over who is able to vote (and how many), and thus control who is on the BOG and who 'hires' them.

The other major change would be the eradication of the respective Provincial Councils, to be replaced by Divisional Councils. There would be three Divisional Councils, Western, Central and Maritimes.

As any further details regarding Bylaw #2 are received, they will be posted. One member was informed, however, that the information was not for public disclosure?

National Council has been contacted, for clarification on the issue. (Sept.23/02)


As of October 7th, there has no positive response, regarding obtaining the contents of Bylaw #2 from official sources. National Council has been very cooperative, in pointing out that the information is available through your local council (Region), however a response from my local council has been......well, lacking. As a result, the following is a copy that was obtained from other sources.

Note: This is an UNOFFICIAL copy. When the authenticity is verified, it shall be noted as such.

Draft By-Law No. 2 - Sections I - III
Draft By-Law No. 2 - Section IV
Draft By-Law No. 2 - Section V
Draft By-Law No. 2 - Sections VI - XIV
Western Division Meeting and Opinion

The New Stuff (October 11,2002)

Well finally, here is the final version (Bylaw #2), direct from National.

Disclaimer: Anything posted to this Home Page
are the opinions of the individuals who posted them
and are not the views of Scouts Canada.

    Since June 11/00 (2002)