Risk Management Updates - April 2002


1. Changes to Screening Procedures:

Effective immediately, any new applicant for an adult position in Scouts Canada must have a "clean" Police Records Check (PRC).

Effective immediately, the screening process, meaning application, interview, reference check and PRC, must be fully completed before any adult becomes a probationary member and being in contact with youth members. We have constantly advised that recruitment of adults should take place in the spring and this will further encourage this practice.

Effective September 2002, the Regional office will no longer administer the process for completing the PRC. Each individual is responsible for obtaining their own check. This is done by visiting the local Police Service office and requesting a Canadian Police Certificate (CPC). A copy of the CPC is made and verified by a Council Field Executive. The individual then keeps the CPC for use with other volunteer agencies.

PRC are now to be completed on a three year cycle. Any current members who completed their first PRC prior to 1 September 1999, must have this renewed. Recommendation is that you do so now, and not wait until September.

More Questions? Check out the PRC Question and Answers (PDF).

2. Two-Deep Leadership

There must be no less than two adults, (one of whom must be a registered member), at all Colony, Pack and Troop meetings, activities and events.

With respect to transportation: "At no time should an adult be alone in a car with youth members who are not their own children". Scouts Canada has always maintained that it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure the youth has transportation to activities. We as leaders, have taken on this task of organizing car pools. It is not our responsibility and this puts the responsibility back where it belongs, with the parent/guardian.