The Person I Aim To Become
Scouter's 5 - Oct./96
As a young person who shares the experience of the Scout Movement, I aim to do my best.
To Be
- a person with freedom and integrity,
- clean of thought and true of heart,
- strong of will, responsible and self-reliant,
- ready to make a personal commitment for my life,
- constant and true to my word.
To Be
- ready to serve others,
- involved with my community,
- a defender of other people's rights,
- pledged to democracy and committed to real development,
- a lover of justice and a promoter of peace,
- someone who values human labour,
- actively building love into my family,
- aware of my own dignity and that of others,
- ready to share with everybody joyfully and affectionately.
To Be
- thoughtful and creative,
- intent on leaving the world better than I find it,
- striving for the integrity of the natural world,
- learning continually and searching for paths still unexplored,
- seeking to do my work well,
- free from an overpowering hunger to possess things,
- and independent of material objects.
To Be
- open to the spiritual,
- developing a well-balanced sense of life and the long journey,
- reaching out to God continually,
- living my faith joyfully and making it part of my daily life,
- open to dialogue and understanding,
- respectful of others' religious beliefs.