One of the most important aspects of building and keeping an active section is to retain the members you already have. "If you don't lose it, you've got it."
The following are eight keys to Group membership retention:
1. Offer a good, solid, well planned program that is interesting, informative, and fun. Don't plan more than you can do well.
2. Know what interests your members. Build your program around their real interests which are recorded for future use.
3. Place a high priority on having fun.
4. Get all of your members (depending on the section) involved in leadership roles by assigning them specific duties.
5. Get into the habit of using the telephone for meeting reminders, group events, personal communication and problem solving as things happen.
6. Define your goals and plans. Write them down and prioritize them for action. Complete each project before going on to something new.
7. Success depends on staying power. The lack of perseverance is the reason most people fail in attaining their goals. Persistence is the gold mine of success.
8. Serve the real needs and concerns of your sections.
No matter what you do, what position you occupy, always give it your best effort. You are worth your best effort.