Scout Games - Part 2


Equipment: one parcel and one flashlight per guard.

This is a night game. 'Escapees' are placed in a small compound marked out in the centre of a field. Scouters or patrol leaders act as 'guards' and are placed around the field with flashlights. The object of the game is for the 'escapees' to escape and reach a given objective without being identified by a guard.


This game is based on the story of Excalibur and the boy Arthur who pulled the sword out of the rock. A stationary floating rock with a sword is placed 75 yards from shore. Each kingdom has three warships containing six knights with buckets. In three relays, two opposing warships race each time. When launched, both warships race to the rock by hand paddling and, during the time of the race, each kingdom can sink the opposing warship by bailing water into it. The first kingdom with three successful retrievals is the victor.

Fire Building

Equipment: A No. 10 tin can or same size pot for each Patrol. Tablespoon of soap powder for each spot.

Method: Patrols gather tinder, firewood, and three rocks large enough to rest pots on and allow for fire underneath. Pots are filled with water to 1 " of top, and a tablespoon of soap powder is put into water. Patrols then select two representatives. At signal, two men from each team bring equipment to designated area, lay and start fire (without paper and using native wood), and compete to see who can make the water boil over first.

Scoring: First 50 points, second 25 points, third 10 points for their Patrol.

Variation: Have two-man teams start fires by flint and steel or by friction. One log is allowed per team, and wood for fires must be chopped from log during race. Award 10 extra points for first fire.

Five Up

This game from the old Scout Leaders' Handbook deserves resurrection. You need two teams of five to eight players each and any sized ball, but a volleyball is best. Each team tries to complete a sequence of five by passing the ball between five different team members without dropping it once. At the same time, it must prevent the other side from doing the same.

At the toss-up, the player who retrieves the ball shouts, "One!" and passes it to a team-mate who calls "Two!", and so on until they reach the count of five. The team then scores a point and there is another toss-up. If the ball is dropped, intercepted, or mistakenly passed to a player who has already caught it during that sequence, the player who retrieves it calls "One!" and starts a new sequence. The referee will probably have to call "One!" to remind him.

If two opposing players grab the ball at the same time, unless one steals it from the other immediately, the referee calls a toss-up between the two. This rule eliminates the pushing and shoving that can lead to wrestling and lost tempers.

Unlike in many games of this kind, the player who has the ball may run with it and hold onto it as long as he can. Sooner or later (usually sooner) an opponent will get his hands on the ball, too, and will either steal it from the first man or force a toss-up.

Five Up is a great game to play outdoors on a cold day. Everyone is running all the time, and even the coldest boys will soon be running, laughing and groaning with the rest. Keep the playing field relatively small; no bigger than the average Scout hall.

Flag Corners

Required - a number of cards (more than the number of players), each with a reference to, or illustration of, the Union Jack or Patron Saints, some of the references being correct and some incorrect. GAME - the corners of the room are indicated as: St. George, St. Andrew, St. Patrick and Union Jack respectively. The cards are laid out on the floor, backs up, and on a signal each player picks up one card, and immediately proceeds to his appropriate corner. Those choosing cards with inaccuracies group themselves in the centre of the room. Once a player has taken up a position he may not change his mind and go elsewhere. The cards are examined and each player in the wrong place counts a minus mark against his Six team.

Flag Raid

Equipment needed: 2 flags.

Boys divide into two teams. Each chooses a base about 100 metres (90 yards) apart, preferably in woodland or maybe on two adjacent hilltops. Each team must now defend their flag, which is planted in the ground at the centre of their home base, and at the same time, try to capture their opponents' flag. If each boy wears coloured wool round his sleeve, loss of life can be indicated by loss of his wool. A "dead" boy must return to leader and stay out of the action for two minutes before gaining another wool marker. First team to get opponents' flag back to the leader wins.

Flag Raiding

Equipment: two flags

This is best played in a wooded area.

The troop divides into two teams. Each chooses a base about 90 yards apart and plants their flag in the ground. The 'umpire' signals the start of the game and teams defend their own flags and try to capture their opponents. Wool 'lives' are worn on the wrists -- a boy who loses his 'life' goes to the umpire and spends two minutes resting before rejoining his team. When a team captures their opponents' flag they try to carry it to the umpire. The team getting their flag to the umpire first wins.

Flicker Relay

Line up patrols or sixes in relay formation, providing the player at the head of each line with a flashlight. At the word GO, the one at the head of each team flashes his light and passes it to the second player who flashes it and passes it to the third and so on until the light reaches the last player. The player at the end of the line leaves the flashlight on and runs to the head of the line. At the head, he turns the flashlight off, hands it to the first player who passes it back as before, meanwhile remaining in his place. This way the race continues until the person who was originally at the head of the line returns there a second time.

Note: To make it a 'steam-off' game too, you can provide extra running. Have each player run forward, with the flashlight on, touch a designated object a certain distance away, before returning to the head of the line, to hand the flashlight to the next player.

Flight Deck

Perhaps the time is ripe to revive our favourite relay game, between the Wars known to the 17th Whitley Bay as "Flight Deck".

Patrols in relay formation. At far end of pitch, opposite each patrol, a trestle table. At word, "Go!" the first man in each patrol drops flat on his face with limbs outstretched like the Cross of St. Andrew. Four men pick him up by wrists and ankles, carry him down the pitch and land him on the flight deck. This continues until every Scout in the patrol has been landed.

Good for the nerves. Thought by some to be dangerous, but so far no mishaps have been reported. Not to us, they haven't anyhow. Teaches reluctant heroes to keep their chins up and use their loaves.

Strongly recommended.

Flutterboard Race

Line boys up as in a relay at the side of the pool. Give first man a flutterboard. On signal, he enters the water, swims to the other side, swims back and gets out of the water onto the deck of the pool, tags number two, gives him the flutterboard, and number two enters the water, and repeats what the first one did. (Boys may be helped out of the water, but next man must not go until the previous winner is completely out of water.)

Fog Horn

This is a variation of the mine-field game. Blindfold one member of each patrol who will be the moving boat. The other patrol members are randomly scattered anchored boats in an area in front of him. On hands and knees, the moving boat must manoeuvre through the harbour without bumping into the other boats. Each anchored boat tries to direct him safely through by tooting like a foghorn whenever he comes near.

Follow the Leader

The boys are in a circle, with "it" outside the room. One boy in the circle is chosen as the leader and initiates some action such as clapping hands, changing to stomping feet, changing to scratching his head. As the leader changes, the boys follow his direction. "It" returns to the circle and watches carefully to see who the leader of the action is. "It" has three guesses, or he pays a forfeit. The leader of the action becomes the next "it".

Four Corner Soccer

This one is perfect if you have four patrols in your troop. Set up a goal a each corner of the hall and give each patrol a corner to score in and the opposite corner to protect. Mark a 2 m semicircle around the goal to protect the goalie. No one except the goalie is allowed inside.

Place two balls in the centre of the hall. Players may only kick or head a ball. No physical tackling is allowed. The object is to get a ball into your goal. The game stops when a goal is scored. Start again by placing both balls in the middle. Set a time limit or a number of goals to be scored to make a game.

The final offering this month is a Danish campfire game to try at spring camp.

Freak Plant Hunt

Equipment: pad and pencil for each patrol; items for "doctoring up" plants.

Action: In a given area, "doctor up" a number of different trees and plants -- tying a wildflower to a maple tree, having an orange 'grow' on an oak, making daisies 'bloom' on a bush, etc. (Let your imagination run wild). Patrols are then told how to find 'doctored' area, and given ten minutes to locate these 'freaks of nature.' Patrol reporting greatest number of "freaks" wins.

Free Style Racing

Simply a race for one member selected from each team for each age category represented. With 20 teams, you will have to stage it in heats, with a final winner being declared in an all winners' race, for each age group.

Frisbee Golf

This game can be played in a wooded area and would be excellent in a camp setting.

All of the "holes" are aluminum pie plates tied to tree branches at various heights and distances over a prescribed course. Players start at a designated tee-off point for each hole and the object is to hit the pie plate with the frisbee.

After each throw, the player stands on the spot where his toss landed and attempts to hit the pie plate on his second shot. Each player continues the process until he is successful, and then moves on to the next hole. Players keep a record of the number of shots they needed to make each hole.

If you're playing the game where there are no trees on which to hang the pie plates, simply place the plates on the ground at various places along the course. Again, players attempt to hit the plates in the lowest number of shots.

Frisbee One-Toss Baseball

This is a take-off on One-Pitch Baseball, but you don't need either pitcher or bat. One team lines up behind home plate and the other takes the field. The "batter" tosses a pie-tin frisbee onto the playing field. The object is to toss it where no one can catch it. If it is caught, the batter is out. If not, the fielder must field the frisbee and toss it to wherever the out should be, while the batter runs the bases.

The trick is that, once the fielder picks up the frisbee, he cannot move his feet until after he has made his toss.

If the batter tosses the frisbee out of bounds, it is an out. All of the other rules of baseball apply.


Fugitive is a fun urban game we found in Scouting (UK) magazine. Play it around a local park or a well-defined area on city streets with as many Scouts as you wish. Organize the Scouts in groups of three or four. You need Scouters, Venturers, or Rovers to be the fugitives: one fugitive per group. Recruit another helper to be the "mystery person".

Equipment: a head and shoulders photo of each fugitive (but not the mystery person) mounted on a "wanted" poster; a mystery parcel or document for each fugitive; paper and pencils for each team of Scouts.

Scouts gather at "police headquarters", where you've pinned up the wanted posters. Give them five minutes to study the pictures.

Define the playing area and instruct Scouts to search the area to try to find the fugitives. Tell them they have one hour. Warn them not to approach fugitives and not to be spotted by them. Their job is to write down an exact description of each fugitive- -clothing, hair, build, etc.--and his or her actions.

Disguised fugitives wander around the play area. Whenever they meet a fellow fugitive, the two exchange mysterious looking documents or parcels.

Each fugitive visits one specific point at least two times during the game. At this place, fugitives meet the mystery person. Fugitives and mystery person make a furtive exchange for Scouts to note.

At the end of the hour, teams return to police headquarters and hand in their notes so that organizers can judge the best descriptions of fugitives and events. Meanwhile, each team attempts to draw an identikit picture of the mystery person, which they compare to the real thing as they enjoy a snack when the exercise is over.

Fuzz Stick Relay

Equipment. For each Patrol, one sharp knife and one stick of dry, soft wood about 1/2" x 1" x 9".

Method. Each Patrol lines up in relay formation opposite equipment. On signal, Scout No. 1 runs up and cuts one sliver on stick, lays knife down and runs back to touch off No. 2 Scout, who runs up - and so on. Slivers should be at least 8" long. 20 slivers, all attached, complete the fuzz stick.

Variation. Instead of having each player cut one sliver, players cut 3 or 4 slivers. To vary scoring, take off 5 points for each sliver that is cut off the fuzz stick and see how many Patrols end up in the "red".

Ghost Story Game

Try this idea from Scouting (U.K.) magazine for Hallowe'en with Cubs, Scouts, or even Venturers. Put an item per player (flashlight, box of matches, tooth, hat, shoe, etc.) plus a few extras into a bag or box, place it in the centre of the story circle, and start telling a ghost story. Stop after a few lines and, at random, choose a player to dip into the bag, pull out something, and continue the story, working the object into the tale. When he or she stops, another player goes up to pull out an object and continue the story.


In this relay, sixers or patrol leaders stand facing their teams from a short distance away. Give the first boy in each team a roll of toilet tissue. On signal, he runs to his leader and begins wrapping him from the feet up. When the whistle blows, he races back and the next boy in line runs up to continue the wrapping job. Players must cover all gaps and repair rips and tears in the wrapping along the way. The winning team will be the one that can keep its sixer or PL from bursting all his seams as he collapses in laughter.


Equipment: 3 plastic buckets, 3 compasses, 3 staves

At the end of the hall stand three Gladiators and in front of each line up the troop in equal teams. Each Gladiator has a bucket over his head, a compass in one hand and a stave in the other. The Scouts in each team are Controllers and they issue orders to the Gladiators in alternation. The Gladiators can move one pace at a time, when they are ordered to do so and the Controllers must call out what direction the pace is to be made in.

The orders may vary and the Gladiators could be ordered to lunge with the stave or to crawl forward. A lunge consists of holding the stave vertically, at arms length and then lowering it gradually so as to strike another Gladiator on the bucket. The first Controller to 'knock out" all his opponents wins.

Note: Guard against any danger of suffocation from the plastic buckets.

Gone Fishin'

The basic equipment consists of a magnet with a hole in the middle (available from Radio Shop), a length of string, and pieces of cardboard with a paper clip attached to each.

For Beaver games, cut the cardboard pieces into fish shapes. You can print a fish name (pike, trout, etc.) on each or simply put on numbers or brief directions (Beaver Law, hop five times...). The fish can tell Beavers to do something or simply represent a prize (e.g. pike means a candy, trout means a peanut...). Beavers take turns fishing with the magnet on a string, perhaps in a relay game where they run up, fish, follow instructions or collect the prize, and run back to give the fishing line to the next person.

For Cubs or Scouts, turn the idea into a knot or compass relay. Cut the cardboard pieces into squares and write on a knot name or compass direction.

In the knot game, players run up, fish for a marker, tie the knot named, and race back to give the fishing line to the next player.

Add a paper plate to the equipment for the compass game. Players race up to fish for a marker naming a compass point, place the marker in correct position at the edge of the plate, and race back to pass the fish line to the next player.

The neatest thing about this idea is that you can store all the equipment for one of these games in a small plastic bag. Then you can keep it in a portable games kit that helps you be prepared to fill in with a quick game at any time. Scouter Renison sent along the kit idea, too. Customize it to suit your group.

Grand Mogul

Players in circle, one player is the Grand Mogul and he states that he has an aversion to anything with the letter D (or B, or S. etc.) in it. He then asks each player in turn what he will give him for dinner, and each player must answer with some food or drink which does not contain the chosen letter. No hesitation allowed. Each team starts with ten or fifteen points and loses one point if a player hesitates or gives a word with the letter D in it. Team retaining most points wins.

Change letter, Mogul and category of question often.

Guard the Pin

A good Cub or Scout game. One boy is in the center of a circle where an empty juice-can has been placed for him to protect. The boys in the circle have a playball with which they try to knock over the juice can. They soon learn that if they pass the ball around the inside of the circle before they throw it, they'll put the juice-can guard off balance, and they will be able to knock over the tin more quickly. Whoever knocks it over becomes the next guard.


Guts is a game I used in rotation, with half the troop playing floor hockey or basketball and the other half playing Guts. You play with two five-player lines standing 14 metres apart. The recommended disk is the 108 g size.

The objective of Guts is to throw the frisbee as hard as you can at your opponents, who try to catch it cleanly in one hand. Each catch scores a point; each miss means a point against. The winner is the first team to reach 15 points. Since wobbly and crooked throws are preferred in Guts, Scouts quickly get the hang of throwing and catching.

The next time you are looking for some new game ideas, pick up a half dozen frisbees and invite the Scouts to demonstrate their throwing skills. Frisbees are inexpensive and last a long time.

Hopping the Gauntlet

One team tries to hop from one end of the room to the other; the other tries, also hopping, to prevent them by shoulder-charging. Any player of either side putting his other foot to the ground falls out. Team getting the most through wins.

Hopping Stocks (Taiwan)

Form up in relay formation, each group having short sticks. These are placed on the floor, like the rungs of a ladder.

On the starting signal, the first boy from each group hops over the sticks, taking care to land between each one. If he moves any of the sticks, he must go back and start hopping from the beginning again.

When the first boy gets to the end of the course of ten hops, he must bend down, still standing on one foot, pick up the last stick and hop back to his place over the sticks. As each boy takes his turn he brings back one stick until all have had a turn. The first group to complete the course is the winner.

Ice Hockey Squares

You need some preparation for this troop game. To make the puck, put 25 mm water in a margarine tub, freeze, and remove "puck" at game time. Have each Scout make a hockey stick from securely taped rolled newspaper. With chalk or masking tape, divide the meeting hall into quarters and put an equal sized team in each square. Place a leader with a whistle in a sideroom or outside in the hallway where he can't see the game. Place the puck in the centre of the room for a face off between a member of each of the four teams. The object of the game is to keep the puck out of your team's square. Players must stay in their own squares and may touch the puck only with their sticks. If the puck is in a team's square when the "blind" leader blows the whistle, the team loses a point. Start each round with a face off. End when the puck disappears.

Indian Dodgeball

Indian Dodgeball is an interesting variation in which a team can win without knocking out any opposing players. It's played on a rectangular court with a centre dividing line and the added challenge is a pin of some kind (we use a plastic bowling pin) which is placed upright in the centre back of each end of the court. To win, a team must knock over the opposition's pin while protecting their own. You can add to the excitement by declaring that a player who shoots a ball which is caught by an opponent is out. If the game slows down too much, throw in a second ball.

Indoor Pin Ball

The object is to use a ball to knock over a guarded tennis can set down in the centre of the "key" circle on a basketball court, or any other such outlined area.

For equipment you need an empty tennis can or bowling pin and two volleyballs or soccer balls.

Two teams distribute themselves randomly on the court. The referee simultaneously puts into play the two balls. He or she throws or kicks them into play with no thought of direction or team affiliation.

A player may pass or dribble the ball towards the key area using the same rules as those that govern basketball.

The empty tennis can, or an unbreakable substitute in the centre of the key, is guarded by the goalie, who is the only player allowed in this circle. If anyone else, on offense or defense, steps inside the circle, the other team is awarded a point. If the goalie steps outside the circle, a point is awarded to the other team.

If a goalie accidently knocks over his can, the opposing team gets the point. A goalie may not hold or adjust the can, except after a score. No one is allowed to kick the goalie's can.

After each score, the referee collects and again puts the balls into play. Body-checking and other forms of physical contact are not allowed (basketball rules), and players may not kick the balls.

If penalties become necessary, figure out some unsavory consequence for a repeat offender.

For a change of pace and a lower score, use two goalies in each circle.

Indoor Snowball Fight

You need a good supply of newspaper and two paper grocery bags. Divide group into two teams and have each boy make himself two crumpled-paper "snowballs". Station teams in lines facing each other from a distance of about 4 metres. Two boys from each team stand behind their opponents, sharing a paper bag between them. Their job is to pick up all the snowballs thrown over the heads of the opposing side by their team-mates and put them into the bag. On signal, the boys in the lines begin tossing their snowballs at each other. They may catch as many of the ones coming their way as they can to hurl back at the other side. The game is over when all snowballs have been bagged, or when time is called.


The Troop Scouter is suffering from a mild case of amnesia and can't remember what name to use. The amnesiologist suggests that the brain can be stimulated by the sight of articles whose names begin with the same letter as the Troop Scouter's surname. Collect 20 such items no later than....)

Iron Scouts

Design a triathlon challenge variation (e.g. running, biking, skipping) for any section simply by choosing three appropriate activities and course sizes. Obviously, the challenge will be different for Iron Scouts, Iron Cubs, and Iron Beavers. Use your imagination.

If you have enough space (i.e. you are holding your fun fit at a Scout camp or in a park), you can plot a wide and varied course for the challenge. If not, establish a track on your playing field. The triathlon may require players to race around the track twice, ride their bikes around the track three times, and pull a leader in a wagon around the track once, for example.

Jump the Shot

This is a popular game with boys, although it can be dangerous. The boys form a circle around a leader who has a length of rope just slightly longer than one half the diameter of the circle. An old sneaker is tied to the end of the rope and the leader whirls this weighted end around, gradually feeding out the line until it reaches the boys. He is careful to keep the rope low, just at heel height, and the boys must jump over it as it passes by them. A boy is eliminated if he's struck by the shot.

Take care to keep the sneaker low, and don't let out too much line. If the rope twirls around a boy's leg, it can pull him over and send him forcefully down on the backside!

Jump the Stick

Another game, less dangerous than the last. Patrols line up in relay formation and the lead boy holds a Scout staff or broomstick. On signal he runs to a marker, circles it and runs back. As he approaches his team he holds the stick parallel to and about 12" above the floor, and team members must jump the stick as he runs past. When he reaches the last boy, all members of the team stand with legs apart. The stick-bearer throws the stick between their legs to the first boy in line, who repeats the run.

After the last boy has run, the stick is carefully fed between the boys' legs from back to front. All boys grasp the stick and run the same course as before. This portion of the game invariably produces the most fun when some boys can't hang onto the stick, or when two patrols collide while rounding their markers.

Kill Scouter

Bud Jacobi of St. Catharines, Ont. keeps the patrol challenges coming this way.

Make arrangements for a person unknown to the boys to rush into the troop room with a "gun", grab the dues and "shoot" the Scouter who tries to stop him. Scouter slumps to the floor while the thug makes his get-away. Scouts aren't easily fooled, so make it as realistic as possible with a plastic bag oozing ketchup.

The challenge for patrols is to provide an accurate description of the robber to the policeman whom you've arranged to arrive shortly after the incident. He will answer Scout's questions about police work, finger-printing methods, etc. It will make an exciting evening your boys won't soon forget.


Joe Laplante of the 4th St. Albert Scouts, Alta., sends Kingman - a dodgeball-type game with a few twists. Mark the hall with boundaries similar to those for End Ball. Each team occupies one of the large areas in the middle and chooses a Kingman to stand in the small area at the opposite end. Players try to eliminate opponents by hitting them with a volley-ball on the fly - not on a bounce or rebound from a wall. They may also pass the ball to their Kingmen, who can attack opponents from the rear.

If a player is hit on the fly or crosses one of the boundaries, he is "dead" and joins his team's Kingman to take part in the attack from the rear. If a dead player manages to catch a ball on the fly, he becomes "live" again and rejoins his team-mates. The game ends when all of one team's members have been declared "dead".


Scouts form a small circle standing shoulder to shoulder and stretching their hands into the centre. Each Scout grabs two other hands in the centre, making sure that the two don't belong to one Scout only, or to his immediate neighbours.

Once hands are joined, the Scouts' task is to untangle themselves without dropping any hands. They do this by weaving in, out, over and under each other. We've found that this usually means the little guys crawl over the big guys and the big guys crawl under the little guys.

When the task is complete, you should have one untangled circle. Occasionally, you'll end with two circles. It's supposed to work every time and, so far, we've always succeeded.

Knots works best with about a dozen players. If you have many more than this, form two groups.

Know Your Neighbour

This game helps the players learn each other's names and at the same time have some fun. It's a good 'ice-breaker' for the first night at camp.

One player is designated to be IT. He takes his place in the centre of the players, sitting in a circle in the dark. IT suddenly flashes his flashlight on one of the players and asks "Who are your next door neighbours?" And then he flashes the light on the nearby neighbours. If the player who was asked the question, can't name both neighbours correctly, he becomes IT. If he does name them correctly, IT asks him "How is So and So?", naming either of the players. If the reply is "OK", the players remain seated, but if the answer is "Not so good", all players must change seats. While everyone is shifting IT tries to get a seat. If he succeeds the one without a spot then becomes IT.

Note: Until everyone is sure of the names, IT must give them time to learn the names of their neighbours before they shift.


Yugoslavia: In this energetic game for Scouts, players form a circle and hold hands. One person is chosen Zimbo (IT). He is blindfolded and placed in the centre of the circle. To start the game, Zimbo stamps on the ground three times calling, "Kim, Kim, Kolo!" Hands still clasped, the players in the circle begin to tiptoe around, making odd noises and whispering. Zimbo suddenly darts at the circle and tries to touch one of them. When he's successful, players drop hands and scatter while Zimbo whips off his blindfold and tries to tag one of them. When he's successful, he yells, "Kolo!" and the handholding circle forms again with the tagged boy and Zimbo standing in the centre. The circle moves around the two until a leader gives a signal, then breaks again and both Zimbo and the tagged player try to tag others. This repeats until all the players have been caught. Then Zimbo takes the hand of one player, and the others join up behind to form a chain that moves faster and faster behind Zimbo as in crack the whip. Zimbo stops short and the first person to let go is Zimbo for the next round.

La Palma (Bolivian Indian)

The Indians of Bolivia used the tail bones of a donkey or llama (you can use a stick) for this game. Set the stick up on end in a hole in the ground. Now draw a straight line away from the stick. Measure out a distance of three feet from the stick. Drive in a peg. Do this so that the pegs are all three feet apart and in line. You will need about six pegs, also a supply of tennis balls.

The boys then take turns in trying to hit the stick from the first peg. Those who do move on to the next peg. Those who don't stay at one peg until they hit the stick. Boys must throw in their correct order throughout the game. The first boy to complete the six throws from the pegs wins. This can also be done on a best time basis.

Last Man Across

The boys are in a line across one end of the hall. On a command they move to the opposite wall, with the last man to touch the wall being eliminated. Commands to move should be varied, such as- fast run, baby walk, walk backwards, crawl, piggyback ride with a friend, etc.

Leaf Matching

Equipment: ground cloth, one patrol on north and another on south side.

Action: Patrols collect one leaf only from as many different types of trees as they can within five minutes. North patrol Scout holds up a leaf, scores ten points if he identifies it. South patrol Scout holds up leaf from same type of tree scoring five points. Continue alternately until all leaves have been identified and all Scouts have played.

No score for a team incorrectly identifying a leaf -- but other team gets ten points for correct identification. If a team cannot match its opponent's leaf, it misses that turn. Highest team score wins.

Life Line Relay

Equipment: A 5-ft. board (representing outstretched arms), a large tin can (representing a head) and either one 40-ft. life line weighted at one end for each Patrol or a 6-ft. knotting rope for each Scout.

Patrols line up in relay formation facing the target (board and can) which is about 30 feet away. At signal, (if Oft. ropes are used) Patrol makes a life line; Scouts take turn in coiling rope and hurling it toward target.

To score, part of rope should come to rest over the target - 5 points for each hit, plus 20 points for the fastest Patrol.


One man is stationed on a chair at one end of a hall with a flashlight in his hand. The troop is lined up at the opposite end of the hall--their object to fell the light station. On a signal, the lights are turned out and the troop members begin to move quietly towards the light station. The lightkeeper may flash his light on whenever he hears a noise. He may not sweep his light beam across the floor but must point it and flash it quickly. The leader calls the

name of the boy hit by the light and that boy is out. The game is more exciting if some obstacles are placed on the floor, but the safety factor of such a move must be considered.

Line Tug

Teams in line facing each other; a line is drawn a few feet behind each team. Right-hand player of one team grasps the left hand of the left-hand player of the other team with his left hand, who in turn grasps the right hand of the second player of the other side with his right hand, and so on along the lines. Each team then tries to pull the other over its line; first to do so wins. The grasp must not be broken.

Local Services

Our community has been infiltrated by strange automatons who can be identified only by their complete ignorance of local services. Make sure nobody thinks you are an automaton. By no later than...., make a map showing where to find the following services closest to our meeting place and their hours of business for today: public telephone, doughnut shop; doctor; fire hydrant, public mail box; fire station; junior public school; church; convenience store; playground; community centre; hockey arena; drugstore; barbershop; taxi stand gas station; hamburger joint, cemetery historic site; bus stop; health club; chiropractor; pizza shop; high school; florist; lawyer; video rental; newspaper box; hotel; real estate agent.

Be prepared to explain why each of these services is located where it is. Is it convenient? For whom? Is it accessible? By everyone? Is it safe? If not, why not? Is it available all the time? Who needs it? Who uses it? Who can't use it? Why?

Look Sharp

There are many observation games better than this one, but this one can be done on the spur of the moment, so it is included here. Patrol "A" faces Patrol "B", and looks over their uniform closely. Patrol "A" now faces away and each boy now makes three changes in his appearance. Upon facing Patrol "B" again, Patrol "A" members try to note the changes. Reverse the procedure and try again.

Luck Relay

Method: Patrols line up in relay formation, facing leaders. One leader for each Patrol stands 20-40 feet, in front of the Patrol. Each Leader has some object, such as a coin or neckerchief slide, concealed in his hand. On signal "go" first player from each Patrol runs up to leader, who has arms outstretched, and points to his right or left hand. If player points to hand with object in it he runs back and touches off second player who runs to leader and guesses which hand holds the object. If player guesses incorrectly he runs back and then runs up again to have another try, and so on until object is located. Meanwhile, leader may have shifted object to other hand. If Patrols are uneven one or two members may have to make two "runs".

Scoring: First Patrol having all its members locate hidden object, wins.

Marble spud

All children love playing marbles. Why not try it with potatoes?! Their irregular shape makes them roll an unpredictable, outrageous path.

With chalk, draw a circle on the floor. Players have to roll their potato 'marble' into the circle and bump another players marble to win it.

Use your creativity to dream up other games; the possibilities are endless.

Maritime Bumbang

Maritime Bumbang is played exactly as Ruthin Bumbang except that an alarm clock, parking meter buzzer or kitchen ringer timer is set for three, five or seven minutes, prior to the start of the game. The game then proceeds. When the buzzer sounds, if the leaders are in possession of the balls (while gathering them up and arranging them) then the leaders must assume the "position" on the wall. If the game is proceeding normally with the boys in possession of the balls, then they assume the "position" and the leaders do the throwing. You might enjoy the latter part, but I'm not so sure about the former.


From Floyd Butterfield of the 8th Brandon Troop, Man., comes a game called Mash, apparently inspired by the television show.

Line up Scouts in teams of equal numbers at opposite ends of the hall. Each team chooses a "doctor" whose identity they try to keep secret from the other team. Scatter several balls in the space between the teams (the Brandon Scouts use balls of all sizes from tennis balls through sponge footballs to beach balls) and, in the centre of the hall, mark off a narrow no-man's-land that players may not cross.

On signal, Scouts run to pick up balls and hurl them at members of the other team. A Scout hit by a ball is "wounded" and must fall down and lie still. A Scout who catches a ball may throw it at the other team. After the first volley, unwounded Scouts can pick up and throw any ball they find in their own territory, but they must not cross no-man's-land.

A team's doctor can cure wounded Scouts by touching them on the shoulder or head, after which they must do three push-ups (to prove they're cured) before rejoining the game. If a doctor is hit, he's wounded like any other team member and can't perform any more cures. For this reason, each team's strategy is to try to discover and hit the other team's doctor while protecting its own. To keep his identity a secret, the doctor will usually wait until several of his team-mates are wounded before he starts to cure them.

The game ends when all members of one team are lying on the floor or after a maximum of 15 minutes, when Scouter declares the team with the most players still standing the winner.

Master of the Ring

All players in a confined ring or court (like a badminton court) on the floor. The players hop on one foot, with one arm tucked behind their back. Everyone tries to bump everyone else so they lose balance or step outside the court area, with the last one to remain in the court being the winner. This is a quick game and can be played several times in 10 minutes.

Midnight Adventure

Try a Midnight Adventure at camp. Wake patrols around midnight and announce that police have asked their help to locate a missing person (lost child, escaped animal, fugitive, martian, etc.). They are to search the bush area around camp, using only lanterns or flashlights and compass. Tell them to keep voices down and stay together, and set a time limit of 30 minutes. If you like, you can have leaders hiding in the bushes to make sounds, leave clues, or be observed skulking around. You can also turn this into an opportunity for star gazing.

Momentary Diversions

Sometimes, when the district commissioner or the pastor drops in for a chat, and you need five minutes to talk, give your boys the following which you've had tucked away in your briefcase, typed on some file cards:

1. A verse to figure out--That that is is that That is not is not is Not that it it is

2. With three straight lines change this into a word --aaaal

3. This is the way Mary signs her name. What is her name? Mary/2,100


1. That, that is, is; that, that is not, is not. Is not that it? It is! 2. Adapt 3. Mary Overton

Of course you can only use this once, but there are many similar ones, or puzzles, riddles, etc., that make good emergency fillers.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

This is a good outdoor campfire game. Select one player to be IT and provide him with a flashlight. Send him some distance from the campfire. Select another player to be Monkey No. 1, and then recall IT to the centre of the circle. Monkey No. 1, unseen by IT, starts some silly motions, such as making faces, ape-like scratching, crossing and uncrossing his legs, moving his arms, legs or head in a funny fashion, etc. The other 'monkeys' must copy Monkey No. 1 while IT tries to see who is starting it all. When Monkey No. 1 is discovered, they trade places, and a new Monkey No. 1 is picked while IT is sent away from the campfire.

Note: Select lively players to be Monkey No. 1 as much of the success of the game depends on him.

Moon Race

Equipment needed:

2 flags Several pebbles roughly egg size Aluminum foil

Two teams are racing each other to reach the moon first; or you could substitute some other in-the-news planet. In order to plant their own flag upon it and thus claim it for their side, each team must make a spacecraft. And to earn a place in the craft they must first undergo rigorous training.

Prepare for this game by covering pebbles with tinfoil and positioning them over a widely scattered area. Some might be taped to the upper branches of climbable trees. Others might be placed on rocks in navigable streams. The aim is to make them visible but not too easy to reach.

Divide boys into two teams and send them off for their space training, which means that each boy must locate a silver covered pebble or "medal for training successfully completed" and climb, or perhaps swim (under surveillance) to reach it and bring it back to his space leader. When a complete team have returned with their all-systems-go medals, the leader gives them their flag and sends them off to the launching pad.

They must then race to this spot -- a high clearing would be ideal -- where they are shown the landing target perhaps ten or twenty feet from the launching pad. These areas could be defined with small stones. At this point they are given equal amounts of tinfoil and told to make their spacecraft, along the lines of paper darts. Either each team makes one large dart or each boy makes an individual one. The first to throw his dart accurately at the landing target (a small circle of stones) may plant his team's flag and is the winner.