7. Representing the Group
With a knowledge of resources, skill in
communicating, and an understanding of the characteristics and needs of the
group and its members, the leader is prepared to represent the group.
Some steps are involved in representation. Before representing the
group, it is important to get all of the facts available, decide on the nature
of the situation, determine the group's reaction, and make mental or written
notes. When representing the group to a third party, it is vital to give the
facts give the group's reaction, feelings, and position respect opinions of
other groups dealing with the third party consider personality problems and
again make mental or written notes.
Then the third party's decision,
attitude, or actions must be represented back to the group. Here it is
important to again present the facts, explain the decision, and thoroughly
represent the third party's attitude and opinion.
As a leader
represents the group to the "outside world," the group begins to develop its
own attitude, identity, and direction. The role of the patrol leader in
sharing the interests and:desires of the patrol to the patrol leaders'
council--and carrying out the decisions of the patrol leaders' council with
the patrol members--is a classic example of representing a group in Scouting.
Wood Badge Skills Index