The Skit Library W
A Compendium of Skits from various sources.
Washington's Farewell It is announced that a member of the
troop has memorized Washington's Farewell Address and is about
to do a dramatic portrayal of it. A boy emerges dressed as
Washington and delivers his farewell address, "Bye Mom!"
Whistler Precision Drill Team Acquire an album such as Mitch
Miller's choir whistling the theme song to "Bridge Over the
River Kwai", the "Colonel Bogey March", or one of Sousa's
marches. Use as many guys as you would like to involve. Each
boy provides a shirt and tie, a jacket and slacks, and a pair of
gloves. Stuff the arms of the jacket and attach the gloves to
the arms. Arrange the shirt, jacket and tie around the hips. A
face is painted on the boy's naked chest and stomach. A hat is
made where the brim is three feet in diameter with a hole that
will fit over the shoulders. The bowl of the hat can be made out
of some cheap cloth, large enough so that a guy can hold his
hands over his head and yet have the brim of the hat come just
below his shoulders. The brim can be made out of cardboard. The
overall effect is that of some very short guys with very big
heads. They march around the stage like a precision team to one
of the above tunes, acting as if they're whistling by sucking
their stomachs in and out. If desired, the shirt, tie, and pants
can also be easily substituted with a scout shirt, neckerchief
and pants. The hat can be made to resemble a scout hat.
Who Sneezed One boy plays sergeant and the rest line up in a
row facing the audience. The sergeant tells them to come to
attention for inspection. The last boy in line sneezes. The
sergeant asks who sneezed and doesn't get an answer. He asks the
man who sneezed to step forward in a threatening and commanding
tone. The sergeant asks the first boy if he sneezed and he
denies it. The sergeant shoots him. The next boy in line is
asked if he sneezed and he replies, "Not since I was 10 years
old." The sergeant shoots him. Each boy has a different answer
as to why he didn't sneeze and the sergeant shoots each one
until the last boy is reached. This boy really worried and
shaking, admits that he sneezed but pleads to the sergeant not
to shoot him. The sergeant says that he isn't going to shoot him
but just wanted to say GESUNDHEIT !
Woman/Man Disrobing A woman throws a whole extra set of clothes
over a screen that she is standing behind. She throws them over
a piece at a time until the screen starts to fall over. She
screams and as the screen falls the audience see her standing
behind it, fully clothed.
The World's Greatest Pitcher
You need a screen (white sheet), Flashlight (bright) and a sick
(size of a baseball bat).
The announcer introduces the worlds greatest pitcher, elaborate
on how great he is. No one has hit him in the last 100 games, (at least with
a ball) etc. Get volunteers (4). Have pitcher throw his pitches:
(For fun give each volunteer a stick and rubber knife and
instruct them to make a baseball bat)
Announce each pitch in advance and watch pitcher throw, followed
by light on the screen as the ball advances toward the batter.
- Fast Ball - Light goes fast across sheet from the back side)
- Slider- Light slopes down accross sheet from back side)
- Curve Ball - light goes crazy
Each volunteer only gets one pitch. Of Course since no ball is
actually thrown, and they can't hit the light so they stand there looking
foolish. The final pitch, the Greatest Ever Spit Ball. Really ham it up.
You announce the World's Greatest Spit Ball. As soon as the
Pitcher throws the ball you scream, "Look Out Its Out of
Control", followed by a bucket of water being thrown upon
someone: Your choice, the announcer, pitcher, or batter!
If you are going to get the batter, let the pitcher throw each
pitch and announce it as you see it on the screen. The final
pitch of course is "Oh no its a spit ball!"
The Wise Indian
(you need)
one narrator, 2 scouts,1 one Indian
One day scouter Allen ( camp chief ) and scouter Bob ( assistant
camp director ) decide to get away from it all and move to the
Yukon ....as the story goes , they sell everything and pack up for a long
trip to the Yukon by canoe finally arriving in a sheltered valley they decide that this is
the place for them.
Allen : nice place , lets build a log cabin
Bob : yeah
so they build a cabin, after all that work , they have a nice log cabin to survive
the harsh weather of the north. Now fall is at the door .....
Allen : nice cabin
Bob : yeah
Allen : winter is coming ,,,, we need to cut firewood
Bob : yeah
So they start cutting wood with ax and saw .... they work all
day for a week.... hard work ...cut 5 cords , 10 cords , 15
cords ......neatly piled as good scouts know how...
Allen : hey Bob think we have enough ???? for the winter...
Bob : yeah , I don`t know
Allen :I heard that there is an old Indian on top the mountain
that can tell what winter is like here , lets go and see him ...
Bob : yeah , ok ...
So they pack up and start the long trek to the top of the
mountain , through the woods , rivers , mud , rain , walk for
2 days , encountering bears , mountain lions , cats , chickens
( wild variety ) and finally arrive at the top of the mountain
where they find an old Indian sitting on a rock .
Allen : going up to the Indian ,,,, says oh Great One I was
told that you you can tell us how the winter will be .... Please
help us ... we are from the south and we had oil .....
Bob : yeah
The Indian get up and goes to the edge of the mountain , looks
around ,,, putting his hand to his brow looks straight in front
of him and says :
Indian : cold winter , long winter .....goes back to his rock....
Allen : thank you wise Indian ....
Bob : yeah , thanks ..
So they turn back to their cabin , through hills , rivers ,
lakes , meeting strange animals like horned toads , skunks ...
goat and sheeps ... and finally get back to the cabin 3 weeks
later ..... dirty and wet ,,, probably took a wrong turn at the
moose coming back .....
Allen : I do not think that we have enough wood for the
winter... let`s cut more....
Bob : yeah , yeah....
So for the next two weeks , they cut wood .....20 more cords
....now they had 35 cords .....and the snow started falling in
the valley .....and it was cold...
Allen : Now we have 35 cords ... this should be good for winter
Bob : yeah
Allen : we should go and see the Indian to ask him how the
winter will be ....
Bob : yeah
So again the trek up the mountain in the snow , and rain
....after 4 days finally get to the Indian sitting on his rock
on the top of the mountain .....
Allen : Oh Great One ... how will the winter be ....
The Indian gets up ,, goes to the edge of the mountain ...
looks around .... puts both hands to his brow ,,,,,,and says :
Cold winter , cold winter ,,,,, long winter ......
Bob : Oh yeah....
Allen : thank you Great One .....
So back to to camp they go , snow is falling more and more
....now it is November ....
Again they cut wood , day and night .... now they have cut 25
more cords ... 60 cords in all ...
Allen : I think this should be plenty for the winter ... but we
should see the Indian to be safe ...
Bob : yeah ....
So again they trek up the mountain for the third time ...scouter
Allen and Bob...passing through bushes, horny toad lairs, a sasquatch and two
buffalo herds, they went up the mountain.
All tired and sore from their encounters, finally ,5 days later
, they got to top of the mountain where the old Indian covered
with snow sitting on his rock as usual ......
Allen : Oh Great One , tell us one more time ... what will the
winter be like........
Bob : yeah ...
Again the indian gets up goes to the edge of the mountain and
putting his hand to his brow ...
says : .... Big winter , very big winter ......
Allen : Oh Great One tell me how you know this ...because of the
mountains ,,, the animals ...I want to learn how to read signs
of nature ....
Bob ; yeah ....
The Indian turning to Allen and Bob ......says ...
Easy, I look down in the valley , and from here , I can see two
white men cutting and piling wood like crazy .......
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