Regional Restructuring

Scouts Canada is now busy restructuring its Regional organizations.

tinyleaf Alberta has already switched to this format, removing all Districts, and adopting a Regional/Area plan.

tinyleaf Effective January 2002, Quebec Provincial Council has started on this plan.

tinyleaf Effective September 2002, Ontario Provincial Council will implement this plan. Ontario Council has issued a Bulletin (#1) (through at least three of their Regions), outlining the process. Or, check out Press Release from one Region, and their Operation Change Information.

tinyleaf Now available, an Ontario Provincial Letter and Motions (April 14/02) and also, Bulletin #2.

tinyleaf Bulletin #3 is now available (May 21/02).

tinyleaf To date, six Regions have announced the restructuring. These are:

   - GTR (Already Area organized)
   - CER
   - SWR
   - Voyageur (This is a neat Powerpoint demonstration)
   - Tri-Shores
   - NWO (Already Area organized)

tinyleaf Effective September 2002, Saskatchewan Provincial Council (which voted 32 to 4) will start on this plan.

tinyleaf British Colombia (Vancouver Coast Region, at least) will start on this plan in September 2002.

tinyleaf Remember the Millenium Report? The complete text is here for your reference.

tinyleaf The Restructuring plan Implementation, Transition Plan and FAQ's (May 25/02).

tinyleaf Job Description for the Group Scouter (May 25/02).

Why is Scouts Canada embarking on this restructuring? There are several reasons, some of which are outlined here.

If you have comments regarding this restructuring, you can post them in the Forums or Message Board, or by joining SCOUTSCAN-Issues.