The Skit Library H

A Compendium of Skits from various sources.

Hairy Hamburger

A man sits down in a restaurant and orders a hamburger. The waiter bring out his hamburger. The man starts eating his hamburger and finds a hair in it; complains to waiter and another one is brought out. The second hamburger has a hair in it and is taken back. The third hamburger also has a hair in it. The man gets upset and demands to see the cook. The cook comes out and the man asks him how he makes his hamburgers. The cook says that all he does is roll the meat and demonstrates making patties by placing the meat under his arm and squeezes.

Herman, The Trained Flea

The trainer has a flea various tricks, when suddenly he loses Herman, his trained flea. He searches around for Herman, calling for him, eventually a person is brought forward with a flea in his hair. The punch line is, "This isn't Herman!"

Hiccup for Me

A boy comes out and says something like, "Hic - I can't - Hic - get rid of these Hic-ups". Another person comes out and asks what wrong. He is told and yells "BOO!" to help the boy get rid of his hiccups. It didn't work. Several more people try various methods to get rid of the hiccups and they are fail. Last method is tried and seems to work, but just as he leaves the stage starts hiccuping again, so he falls to the floor in despair.

How to Make the Team

Two boys, one eats vegetables, exercises, ballerate (ballet & karate), runs (gets a kid to chase him home-school bully). The other kid eats candy bars, plays baseball with guys. First guy (vegetable eater) makes the team and the other kid doesn't. The other kid says; "What did I do wrong? Whaaa ! ! !"

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